Blog Archive

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by Kevin Ly › Inference on Growing Trees
by Chad Germany › Huffman Encoding
Huffman Encoding is a technique of compressing data to reduce its size without losing any of the details. Huffman Coding is generally useful to compress the data in which there are frequently occurring characters. The most frequent character gets the smallest code and the least frequent character gets the largest code. Read More ›

Kevin Kleiner: Algorithm Interest Group on March 22, 2021 › Exploring Stochastic Gradient Descent and its Modifications
Introducing SGD optimization: the bread and butter of model fitting problems Read More ›

by Ryan Levy › RANSAC
Fitting models with outlier detection Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Expectation Maximization
Parameter estimation via maximum likelihood Read More ›

by Ryan Levy › The Magic of NUTS
The No U-Turn Sampler is a powerful Monte Carlo Technique Read More ›

by Greg Hamilton › Persistent Homology
An intro to topological data analysis Read More ›

by Mayisha Zeb Nakib › Graphing Directional Connectivity in FMRI
Understanding FMRI Data through PageRank Read More ›

by Yubo "Paul" Yang › Linear Sum Assignment
The Linear Sum Assignment Problem (LSAP) is a combinatoric optimization problem with many practical applications. An elegant solution was proposed in 1955 by Kuhn and lovingly dubbed "The Hungarian algorithm". This polynomial-scaling algorithm is sometimes credited as the predecessor to primal-dual linear programming approaches. Read More ›

by Kevin Ly › PSLQ
Finding Integer Relations Read More ›

by George Wong › Understanding COVID-19 with non-markovian & agent-based models
Using non-markovian and agent-based models to understand the spread of COVID-19 in Illinois Read More ›

by Kevin Ly › Dithering
Image dithering / digital halftoning Read More ›

by Matt Zhang › Polarization Modeling
Modeling polarization in online communities Read More ›

by Chad Germany › Simulated Annealing
A global minimum/maximum can be found amoungst local minima/maxima Read More ›

by Will Wei › Deep Learning Partial Differential Equation (PDE)
PDE solution can be learned by neural network. Read More ›

by Yubo "Paul" Yang › Compressive Sensing
Compressive sensing takes advantage of sparsity to reconstruct full signal from sparse samples in a way that is not limited by Nyquist-Shannon. It effectively performs compression at the time of sensing so that few detector/sensors are needed. It has many practical applications such as single-pixel camera, digital-to-analog conversion, and lattice dynamics in atomic simulations. Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Coupling from the Past
Coupling from the past is an algorithm to generate perfect samples from a Markov chain (MC). It provides a measure of the mixing time M of the MC and in general scales as O(4MN), where N is the total number of states. Read More ›

by Ryan Levy › Percolation
Percolation transition can be detected by algorithm. Read More ›

by Kevin Ly › DSATUR
DSATUR (degree of saturation) is a heuristic, easy-to-follow algorithm for coloring simple graphs. Read More ›

by Alina Kononov › Natural Language Generation
How to automatically generate your thesis. Read More ›

by Will Wei › Adaptive Boosting
Adaboost combines many weak learners into a strong learner. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › B-Tree
B-trees are ubiquitous database structures, used in the NTFS, HFS, and Ext4 file system formats, among others. Read More ›

by Matt Zhang › Hash Tables, Dictionaries, and the Art of O(1) Lookup
Reconstructing the magic behind Python's most useful data structure. Read More ›

by Zeqian Li › Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning
How to beat human in 49 Atari games. Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Spectral Clustering
Identifying clusters in data using linear algebra and graph theory. Read More ›

by Ryan Levy › Randomized SVD
Improving SVD speeds by assuming a low rank approximation and exploiting randomization. Read More ›

by Yubo 'Paul' Yang › Kriging
Kriging is an interpolation method that provides confidence interval to its predictions. Kriging works by minimizing the variance of the prediction error over existing data. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › BK-Tree
BK-Tree is an efficient method for determining the closest member of a set to another point outside the set. Read More ›

by Dima Kochkov › Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs are Neural Network architecture comprised of two networks: generator and discriminator, that are pitted against each other. Read More ›

by Kiel Williams › Dijkstra
For a general graph with an arbitrary number of nodes and edges, it's usually not obvious what the shortest path is between two nodes. Dijkstra's algorithm is a famous method for systematically determining the length of that shortest path. I explore how to implement this algorithm for a simple graph in 2D, and show how it still works even if the path is subject to some simple constraints. Read More ›

by Yubo 'Paul' Yang › Meltdown
Meltdown is a hardware exploit that allows an unprivileged user to access system memory. Read More ›

by Yubo 'Paul' Yang › Marching Cubes
Marching cubes is a Classic algorithm for isosurface extraction. It utilizes efficient table lookups to extract a 2D isosurface from 3D volumetric data. The isosurface is represented in terms of a collection of triangles, which are easily rendered by graphics hardware. Although marching cubes is a rather dated algorithm, it demonstrates much of the concepts behind modern rendering approaches. Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Phase transitions in random satisfiability problems
This talk is about an application of the statistical physics of phase transitions to the analysis of a class of NP-complete computational problems. Read More ›

by Kiel Williams › Relaxation Methods in the Solution of Partial Differential Equations
How can we use a simple conceptual approach to numerically solve a nontrivial PDE? Read More ›

by Ben Pranther › Hash Function
Google achieved the first collision of SHA-1 Read More ›

by Alex Munoz › Pagerank
PageRank is an integral part of Google’s search engine horsepower, but the mathematics behind it can describe the properties of general directed networks by weighing the importance of singular nodes. Read More ›

by Xiongjie Yu › Neural Network on a Tensor Train
Redundancy in the weight matrix of a neural network can be much reduced with a tensor network formulation. More than 99% compression rate can be achieved while maintaing accuracy. Tensor train representation of a neural network is compact. This formalism may allow neural networks to be trained on mobile devices. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › Simulated annealing
Simulated annealing is a method for optimizing noisy, high-dimensional objective functions using ideas from materials science. Read More ›

by Benjamin Villalonga Correa › Audio Compression
Problems in audio compression form just a subset of the general problem of signal compression, and general techniques can well be applied to solve them. However, it is possible to benefit greatly from being aware of the very particular way in which the human brain perceives and interprets sound, being able to optimize compression techniques to keep only information that is relevant to human perception. In this presentation, I focus on speech compression, and more particularly on an implementation using a Linear Predicting Model (LPM). The LPM provides a very efficient way of reconstructing a signal from a very small set of compressed data (up to 95% of data can be neglected), generating a sythesized speech that keeps the original phonemes and the quality of the voice of the speaker, who can be recognized easily. This technique has been used in telephony applications. Read More ›

by Will Wheeler › Reservoir Computing in the Time Domain
Recognize a million words per second. Read More ›

by Yubo 'Paul' Yang › Gibbs Sampling
The basic Gibbs sampler samples a joint probability distribution one variable at a time. Each random variable is sampled from its full conditional probability distribution with all other variables fixed. Independent variables can be sampled simultaneously, making the Gibbs sampler ideal for the restricted Boltzmann machine. Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Belief Propagation
Belief Propagation is a powerful message-passing algorithm at the heart of some of the most effective error-correcting coding schemes currently in use. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › Cellular Automaton
Cellular automata are simplified simulations that attempt to capture interesting large-scale behavior, even as the microscopics are artificial, on the basis of a few well-chosen local rules. Read More ›

by Juha Tiihonen › Automatic focusing of cameras
Autofocus is an essential feature in any optical imaging devices, such as cameras or microscopes. We go through the most common approaches for finding the optimal focus distance and demonstrate focus classification with several digital focus functions. Read More ›

by Will Wheeler › Feedback Control
Rule the world with linear algebra. Read More ›

by Pratik Lahiri › Hidden Markov Models
When ground water evaporates, dust in the clouds and low temperature gives a chance of snow. Weather and many other complex systems have many internal components (water, dust, temperature) that interact with each other to generate an observable effect (snow). The hidden Markov model is the simplest dynamic Bayesian network that models the internal of a complex system as a Markov chain. Read More ›

by Benjamin Villalonga Correa › Pitch Correction
Pitch correction is widely used in the music industry both in real time and in post-production situations. Depending on the original quality of an artist, pitch correcting techniques can range from allowing an already good performance to become excellent (as far as tuning is concerned) to making a terrible one sound robotic and surprisingly late-90-ish. From an engineering point of view, the difficulty of these algorithms boils down to being able to manipulate independently time scales and frequencies in a signal. One algorithm that achieves this is the Phase Vocoder, which is discussed in this presentation. Its range of application goes beyond pitch correcting purposes, so more insight in the kind of problems that it tackles will also be given. An example of the commercial software Auto-Tune is also linked. Read More ›

by Dot Silverman › Crocheting Hypberbolic Surfaces
Simple stitch algorithms can help us visualize and physically understand hyperbolic shapes. Read More ›

by Ben Prather › Shor's Algorithm
An informal description of Shor's algorithm for factorization by a quantum computer. Read More ›

by Kiel Williams › Numerical ODE Solutions
Comparison of Common Algorithms for the Solution of ODE Problems. Read More ›

by Matt Zhang › Predict Seizure with EEG
Seizure can be extremely dangerous in the wrong situations and a lot less harmful with the right preparations. With advances in non-invasive brain monitoring technology such as electroencephalogram (EEG), we may be able to predict seizure an hour before it happens. Read More ›

by Yubo "Paul" Yang › Particle Swarm Optimization
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a nature inspired optimization algorithm. PSO mimics the behavior of a flock of birds looking for food source. Read More ›

by Dima Kochkov › Fast Fourier Transform
O(N log(N)) computation of a discrete fourier transform, fast integer multiplication Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Error Correcting Codes
Error correcting codes allow full signal recovery after noise contamination. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › Evolutionary algorithms
Evolutionary or genetic algorithms are optimization algorithms that are inspired by the evolution of life. They work by identifying the good parts of different suboptimal solutions, and attempting to combine them to make newer better solutions. Read More ›

by Ben Prather › The Barnes-Hut Algorithm
The Barnes-Hut algorithm approximately solves the N-body problem using only O(N log(N)) time Read More ›

by Jyoti Aneja › Grovers Algorithm
Grovers algortihm is a quantum search algorithm that sclaes as O(sqrt(N)) Read More ›

by Nicholas Laracuente › Theory of Computation
by Will Wheeler › Finding Eigenvalues: Arnoldi and QR
The Arnoldi algorithm reduces a large matrix to a smaller one to simplify finding the largest eigenvalue(s) by the QR method, which is the standard way of finding eigenvalues. Read More ›

by Matt Zhang › Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
AdaBoost is a systemmatic way to construct a complicated model (strong learner) by combining many copies of a simple model (weak learner). Each simple model is fit to a reweighted data set, where unexplained data have higher weights. Read More ›

by Alex Munoz › Fractal Compression
Fractal compression uses self-similarity in images and functions to reduce the redundant content. This technique takes redundancies and stores them as affine transformations with a set of coordinates. Read More ›

by Benjamin Villalonga Correa › Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
With Supervised Machine Learning techniques we can train a model to be able to recognize and classify inputs such as handritten digits, human faces, objects in a picture or sports teams with high chances of winning a game. One of the most used strategies for doing so is the use of artificial neural networks. Read More ›

by Brian Busemeyer › Compressed sensing
Compressed sensing is a way of extracting a full signal out of a sparse sampling. It's only requirement is that the signal has a sparse representation in some basis, which is actually true for most interesting signals that we encounter. Read More ›

by Dima Kochkov › Boltzmann Machines
Boltzmann Machines represent a class of Neural Networks that can be used for unsupervised learning. Inspired by ideas from physics and neuroscience these nets allow a simple, genuine learning rule. The learning is based on minimization of Kullback–Leibler divergence between learned probability distribution and the dataset. Read More ›

by Yubo "Paul" Yang › Automatic Differentiation
Automatic Differentiation exploits the fact that any algebraic function implemented on a computer can be compiled into a long list of elementary operations and elementary functions. Using this observation, exact differentiation can be carried out efficiently by exploiting the chain rule. Read More ›

by Eli Chertkov › Kalman Filter
Kalman filter is an algorithm that filters out the noise in noisy measurement to extract signal. Explicit form of the signal must be known. Read More ›